Blind Maiden is a hunted website in Spain. The website is mostly offline and cannot get access to it. According to the legend, to enter the website, you must fallow three rules in order to access the website.
1. you must be alone.
2. Must turn off the lights OFF.
3.Must go the website at exactly midnight on a moonless night.
Once inside the website, you will see a never ending montage of screaming faces. The picture are of boys and girls who play this game and didn't survive. Their eyes are missing.
According to legend, a Spanish text will appear on the screen.
"This website will take you to a whole new level of horror. A horror that will use all of your five senses. You must be careful not to click on anything by accident. You will be faced to a real experience of absolute horror. Click the accept button to engage actively in the experience."
Below the text are to buttons "Accept" or "Decline"
Click on "Decline" just to be safe.
If you click on "Accept", this will happened.
You observe in your monitor a dark silhouette is walking to your house. You see that silhouette inside your house and walking towards your room. You will see your own back on the monitor. You will feel a presence behind you... You will feel a tap on your shoulder. The last thing you will see before you die, will be the face of the Blind Maiden, starring at you with her horrible eyes.
According to legend she will take take off your eyes, and take a snapshot of you, that picture will be part of the website's gallery.
What you will need:
- A small empty room. Closet, pantry, bathroom etc. with no windows. The room should be big enough and empty enough for a single person of your size to stand in without touching the walls or doors. If you have windows, cover them so no light can come in.
- Three matches
- A method of telling time
- A writing tool and paper
This game is best played alone. Your guests may not come if there’s already a crowd.
Best played at night.
Turn off all sources of noise.
Turn on the light in the room you’re using.
Start at the furthest point of your house from the room, and go from room to room calling “I’ll be ready soon!”
When you get to the room, take the paper and write “You are invited! A gathering hosted by (your name). Takes place from (time you start - an hour after start time). Bring friends!” Place the paper on the floor and say into the room, “I’m ready! Come on in!”
Wait a few moments in silence, then start counting slowly outloud. When you get to 10, strike your first match.
1) if it doesn’t light on the first try, drop it and try the second one. Repeat for the third if it doesn’t light. If the third doesn’t light, you have GATECRASHERS - uninvited guests. Don’t turn around, don’t pause to open the door. Run for the nearest light source and turn it on. The party is over.
2) if the match lights on the first strike, hold it until it burns down as far as you can bear. Greet your guests. Light your second match. If it doesn’t light, see 1).
3) If it lights, repeat 2). Greet your guests. If not, see 1).
4) strike the third match. If it lights, say “Now everyone is here!”. Count to 10 again. If done correctly, you should hear or feel something, likely a “thank you”. If silence, you’re safe anyhow. It is now safe to turn on the lights.